Our Mission

Charity foundation Nový Prostor is preventively supporting persons, who are close to or who already find themselves in an unfavorable social situation. We give vendors the opportunity to rebuild their own pathways to a better future, as we offer the opportunity of earning an income to everyone who wants and can work but was not given such opportunity elsewhere. We implement socially beneficial projects.

About us

Nový Prostor was founded in 1998. The organization was inspired by similar foreign projects, which have for years now been employed in many other countries and which are associated within an international organization called International Network of Street papers, https://insp.ngo/.

We publish a magazine named after our organization, which is distributed by people in social distress. We thus provide these people with an opportunity to solve a difficult situation under their own steam. NP sellers buy the magazine for 25 CZK and sell it for 50 CZK. By purchasing our magazine, you support the vendor by contributing half of the final price.

You can meet Nový Prostor vendors in Prague, Brno and other Czech and Moravian cities.

Support us

In our centers, we offer help to people in a difficult situation associated with a lack of funds.

Your contribution helps us bring people, who found themselves in a difficult personal situation, back into normal life.

Ways to support us:

Donate to the collection account of Nový Prostor.
Contribute to projects which we prepare for persons without shelter and persons in difficult life situations by sending a financial contribution to our collection account. Your contribution helps NP vendors to lead a dignified life!

Bank details: 340 307 2379/0800.

Funds on our collection account cover: accommodation, transport, payments for professional services (psychologist, lawyer, etc.), payment for educational and other events, food, water, motivational rewards and shower allowances. Donated funds also cover costs associated with the operation of social services responsible for social rehabilitation.


Support us by shopping in our charity e-shop

With a little help comes a lot of hope. That is the motto of our e-shop, where you can buy T-shirts, exercise books, tea blends or, for example, a reusable rCup, which can remind you every day, that the right time to help each other is right now. By purchasing these products, you support our social projects. Are you interested in any of the products form our e-shop, but need support with placing your order? Get in touch with us. We are happy to help with your order. projekt@novyprostor.cz


Become our partner

Our goal is to destigmatize societal and social downfall. We are looking for ways out of poverty and promote awareness about preventative steps. Help us with that! Let your company become our partner. We will individually set the terms of our partnership together.


Make a donation of material kind

At present, it is essential for us to ensure the safety of our vendors. Big support provide for example donated FFP2 and N95 face masks. In the winter months, quality footwear or hot drinks are a big help. Do you have a product that you would like to donate? Get in touch with us via projekt@novyprostor.cz


Organize a charitable collection

You can organize a charity collection in your company, establishment or school. By doing that, your friends, colleagues or your company's management will also get a chance to contribute to our activities. We use the outcome of your charitable collection to for instance organize workshops for our vendors at our community centers. 

Thank you for your help!

History of street paper

The history of street paper dates back to the 19th century, when the first title began to be published by the London branch of the Salvation Army, as an early form of dissident, alternative and underground publishing. Not only Salvation Army soldiers but also members of the urban poor sold the War Cry magazine on the streets of London.


By the end of the 1980s, the idea of ​​street sales of a guerrilla periodical returns in response to the growing number of homeless people in the United States and the negative portrayal of this phenomenon by the local media.


In 1989, the Street News and Street Sheet began to be published almost simultaneously in New York and San Francisco, aiming not only to provide basic resources to the homeless but also to correct the media image of the homeless as lazy, drug or alcohol addicted criminals.


The success of the first two modern street papers started an avalanche of similar projects around the world. It is estimated that in 2008, 32 million people read street papers and bought them from a quarter of a million vendors affected by poverty or fate.


The most famous street paper is The Big Issue from Great Britain. For us, the expansion of street paper in neighboring Germany is particularly interesting, where more titles are printed than in the rest of Europe combined.

Editorial concept of Nový Prostor

The mission of the editorial office is to create an attractive periodical that provides sellers with a legitimate income from which they can pay for housing and cover their expenses. The task of the editorial board is to bring alternative views on social, cultural, ecological and human rights topics in a readable way and to bring not only reports from around the world, but also interviews with interesting public figures. We give space and opportunity to young authors, but we also work with renowned journalists and leading personalities of the Czech media world.


Who are the vendors of Nový Prostor?

Our vendors are persons in a difficult social situation, persons without property, without a home, without documents, but with the will to obtain funds to cover basic needs in a legal and honest way. The range of their life stories is surprisingly wide, from ill-advised accidents to business failures to protracted emotional hardships of all kinds. A colorful and often incredible interplay of coincidences with devastating consequences, by which most of us who were luckier would be thrown out of the game.

Anyone who has reached the age of sixteen can register for social service. Not even an identity card is required, a replacement document is sufficient. During registration, an identity card of a Nový Prostor magazine vendor with a photograph and registration number is issued to newcomer. The identity card also includes a monthly coupon with an assigned point of sale. The newcomer will then become familiar with the seller's code (a set of basic rules for proper street sales) and the organization's internal regulations. Then he sets off with a more experienced colleague. The newcomer learns sales techniques and to communicate with customers. He/she receives his/her first three issues of the Nový Prostor magazine free of charge, after that, he/she buys more magazines for half the price at which the magazine is sold. At the current price of the magazine, this means that he/she will earn fifty of every twenty-five crowns invested.

For the first fortnight, the applicant becomes a "newcomer". The newcomer period is a trial phase, during which the newcomer experiences how the sales are going and how the cooperation with us looks like. If the cooperation is going well and the newcomer wants to continue, there is nothing to stop him from joining the ranks of our "vendors" after the end of the newbie period. If on the other hand the vendor repeatedly violates the rules, it is possible to terminate the cooperation with him on the basis of the internally regulated Procedure in case of violation of the rules.


  1. I will vend with a NP vendor‘s vest, as well as a valid identity card with my registration number and my photo, which I will wear in a visible place during my shift.
  2. I will sell only at my assigned point of sale indicated on my coupon. I will only sell magazines with the number I have been assigned and is listed on my identity card.
  3. I will not knowingly sell magazines to unregistered vendors or otherwise promote their activity.
  4. I will not sell other goods or magazines at the same time as Nový Prostor magazine.
  5. I will not commit criminal or misdemeanor activity while I am visibly marked with a vendor's identity card or while I carry magazines with me.
  6. I will adhere to the principles of proper sales so as not to harm other vendors or the reputation of the magazine and the organization: I will not smoke, beg, stall, vend under the influence of drugs or alcohol, I will return change and honestly, I will not swear or threaten.
  7. I will maintain good relations with the employees of the organization. I will not bother other vendors of the magazine Nový Prostor and will not cause any conflicts.
How can I help a specific vendor?
We come across questions from our kind donors on how to make a contribution to a specific vendor for a specific cause. In order to bring the needs of our sellers and donors as close as possible, we have prepared this website, where donors can contribute to a selected vendor for a precisely determined financial expense or help him to buy a thing he/she wishes for.

How does my specific gift get to a specific vendor?
We allocate donated funds according to the variable symbol, which is the number on the vendor’s identity card. If the specified amount has been accumulated on the vendor's bank account, we withdraw the money and hand it over to the lucky vendor. Together with him and under the supervision of a social worker, we purchase the thing that the vendor has wished for and record everything photographically. Donor’s contributions are updated once a week. If the specified goal is reached, the vendor does not appear on the website anymore and we enter the process of administering the contribution (order, purchase). The vendors will reappear on our website once they have a new goal set.

Where can I send my donation?
To the collection account of Nový Prostor: 340 307 2379/0800

You can deduct your donation from your taxes. How?
The value of material and financial gifts provided to any of the participating vendors can be deducted from the tax base according to Act No. 586/1992 Coll. on taxes (paragraph 15 for natural persons, paragraph 20 for companies). Natural persons may deduct the value of donations from the tax base if the sum of the donations in the tax period exceeds 2% of the tax base, or if it is at least 1,000 CZK. In total, up to 10% can be deducted from the tax base.

We will issue this confirmation to you upon request, please contact projekt@novyprostor.cz

We thank all donors for their support.

We also provide social services for social rehabilitation

Principles of the service

  • active involvement of the vendor in solving his personal situation
  • cooperation in drawing up an individual plan
  • possibility to influence the course of the provided service (or the possibility to complain in case of dissatisfaction, or to communicate ideas for improving the service)

What we offer

  • ensuring of personal hygiene
  • provision of meals (cooking classes, possibility to use a kitchen)
  • providing contact with social environment (providing information/support/accompaniment when practicing movement outside the home)
  • personal competences (ability to manage critical periods in life, be able to find adequate support and ask for it)
  • self-realization (choice of employment, acquisition of habits related to employment, training courses)
  • care for health and safety, prevention of risks (support when visiting a doctor, training on how to provide first aid, supported practice on providing first aid, have information on how to perform minor self-treatment)
  • assistance in the exercise of rights and interests (to have information on risks, the course of execution, to have support when there is a risk of execution, to have information about services that deal with these issues, to have information and support in managing funds, help with securing valid documents , support in negotiations with other organizations/authorities/administrative institutions)
  • strengthening parental abilities (to be able to use information/contacts to entities that provide professional advice in the field of child health care, in the field of special aid)
  • support takes place individually or in a group, in a day center or outside

We provide social services in our day centers in Prague, Brno and Pardubice. In other cities we cooperate with partner organizations (for more information see the contacts tab).
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